Yesterday, Wildfly 8 was released in the final version (8.0.0.Final) and I thought I’d share how I set it up for development. As you will see, there is nothing much to it which I see as a very good sign.

So, make sure you have a modern Java version installed, and then do this:

Download and unpack it

``` bash Download and install $ curl -O $ tar xzf wildfly-8.0.0.Final.tar.gz $ cd wildfly-8.0.0.Final/bin

## Make sure it can start
``` bash Start Wildfly and open browser
$ ./
$ open http://localhost:8080

At this point, you should see the Wildfly welcome screen.

Wildfly8 welcome screen

Make it insecure

Security is good, but it does get in your way when developing. In order to work with the server you need to add an administrator user. Doing so is very easy, but the default password policy settings make life as a developer uneccessary hard (reasonable security is enforced).

In order to make life more convenient for local development, you can however disable all of the annoying security policies by editing the file

``` bash Make it insecure and add admin user

Assuming you are in […]wildfly-8.0.0.Final/bin

$ emacs

In emacs, switch off all security settings.

password.restriction.minLength=2 password.restriction.minAlpha=0 password.restriction.minDigit=0 password.restriction.minSymbol=0 password.restriction.mustNotMatchUsername=FALSE

Disable list of forbidden passwords

#password.restriction.forbiddenValue=root,admin,administrator password.restriction.strength=VERY_WEAK

## Add user admin/admin
Now you are ready to add your standard development administrator user: admin, password: admin. :-)

``` bash Add admin user
$ ./ (follow on-screen instrucitons)

The full installation and getting started guide can be found here. It is quite good actually. WildFly8 Getting Started
