Mildly Interesting Info

Mixed notes by Anders Weijnitz

Jenkins to Go

I made a Vagrant box with Jenkins on it for all you CI needs.

You might have seen the fabulous Boostrap theme BOOTSTRA.386 by kristopolus recently. If you didn’t, I recommend having a look. Be prepared to take a trip down Nostaligia Lane!

Whenever I find a cool theme or an inspiring framework, I always wish I had a suitable project ready to apply it to, but I never have. In this case however, I decided to make a quick write-up of a Vagrant box I have been working on recently. It is a pre-packaged Jenkins box that is intended to work as a “CI server” to go.

In the back of my mind, I am thinking it might work nicely together with the Gitlab box I made earlier this year. Ever since I uploaded it to the Vagrant Cloud, it has been getting som occational downloads.

Once more, read about it here.